Most common question about Salestrip

Invest some time with our frequently ask questions to know how Salestrip can help you. Here, you get all the details about our professional services and after-sales support.

What are the technical requirements?

Salestrip SFA runs of the cloud which means you do not have the headaches of setting up or managing any servers! All you need is access to a mobile device or a browser such as internet explorer, Chrome or Firefox.

Are software updates included?

Software updates are included in your monthly subscription and are automatically deployed for you. You will be notified for the updates through email.

How often is my data backed up?

We take our client's data safety very seriously. Data is redundantly backed up every night.

Are there any maintenance fees?

Nope! Everything is included in the monthly subscription fee.

Do you offer volume-based pricing?

Yes, give us a call at +91-911-110-0862 and we will see what we can do to make it happen.

What level of support comes with my subscription plan?

With Salestrip SFA all customers are given a dedicated SFA adviser that can be accessed via Phone, Helpdesk Portal, and Email support. We are here to help!

Can I see a demo of Salestrip SFA?

Yes contact us here and we will be more than happy to give you a demo.